
1. How do I register on the site?

In the top-right corner there is “Log in” button. Clicking on it will open a window, offering you to register on the site or log in with Facebook. It is strongly recommended to use the second option, as it will take seconds to register! Regardless of whether you are already registered or not, the page is the same. If you are already registered, the system will offer you to enter a password; if not,you’ll have to enter the second contact (phone or e-mail), as well as your name and city.

You are recommended to indicate both corporate and personal e-mails during registration. Corporate e-mail is required to verify your company automatically. And if you change job, you’ll be able to reset password using your personal e-mail, and to add new corporatee-mail, if necessary.

2. What is the registration and log in with Facebook?

If you have an account on Facebook, we can greatly simplify the process of your registration and further logging in. When you attempt to log in with Facebook, the system automatically checks (by searching your primary e-mail indicated on Facebook) whether your account is already available on our site. If such e-mail is not found in the database and you are not linked with your Facebook account, you’ll be registered automatically (you will need just to provide your phone number). The system will always identify you, when you log in next time.

3. I have forgotten my password. How do I reset it?

To reset your password, you can use any of your previously indicated contacts (e-mail or cell-phone). We will send confirmation code to the chosen contact (to make sure that the password is requested by you and not by someone else). Enter this code in the special form(available immediately after sending), and then you may specify your new password. Please note that our website impose some password restrictions to avoid usage of too easy passwords.

To reset your password, go to the log in page, enter your username (e-mail or phone number), and on the next page click the link next to “Password reset” field. You’ll be offered to choose one of the contacts for sending the password reset code.

4. I have changed my contacts. How do I proceed?

Log in to your personal account and go to “Subscriptions” section. There you may add or remove contacts. It is not possible to delete the only one available phone number or e-mail. First you have to add new e-mail or phone, confirm it, and then you may delete your old contact.

5. Why I am asked to confirm e-mail and cell-phone number?

To send notifications and reminders about events and appointments with other participants to your contacts, we need to make sure thatthey are really your contacts. Otherwise, information on your meetings may be sent to third parties, or unrequested messages may be received at your e-mail or cell-phone, as it was indicated by another participant.

6. I stopped receiving your newsletters. What is the reason?

Firstly, you need to check what e-mail and phone number you’ve indicated in your profile. To do this, enter your personal account andgo to “Subscriptions” section. All your contacts linked to this account are displayed here.

Secondly, it is necessary to make sure that newsletters are really sent to your e-mail address (phone number). To do this, the contact must be confirmed. “Confirm” link next to your contact means that the contact has been added, but not yet confirmed. You canconfigure newsletters for the confirmed contacts only.

Please note that even if the messages reception is prohibited by you, some of them (e.g., password reset code, access link for the mobile version of an event, automatic acquaintances at a meeting) will be sent regardless of the subscription settings.

7. I have changed both phone number and e-mail address. How do I restore my access?

If you have no access to any of the contacts indicated during registration, you’ll have to send a request to the support desk. In this casewe ask you to attach scanned copy of your passport to your request in order to avoid access of any third party to your profile.

 8. How do I change data in the profile?

Clicking on your first name and surname in the top-right corner will take you to your personal account. In the top-left, click on “Edit”, input changes and save them. Not all data can be changed! If you have changed your surname or misprinted it, please write us a letter or tell that to a hostess when registering for any of our events.

9. How do I register for the event?

Once you’ve registered on the site or logged in with Facebook, go to an event page and click “Register” button. You’ll be added to the list of participants immediately after being moderated.

10. My company is not listed. How do I add my company?

If your company is yet missing in our classifier, you may add it yourself. To do this, enter full name of your company in the “Company” field; make sure that there is no company with such name and click “Add company” button in the end of the list. This will open a form to be filled with the new company data. Fill it in, paying attention to the mandatory fields (e.g., name, industry); it is also desirable to specify website and describe company’s activities in relevant fields. Then click the form-end button. Now the company is added and indicated as yours.

The more detailed information you provide, the sooner the company will be checked by moderators.

Please note that you cannot influence your company’s appearing on the list. But you can send a request to change data from the company’s page, if its profile is still not filled in completely.

11. How do I make an appointment to other participants on the event?

Appointments become available after successful registration for the event.
To make an appointment to another company, you’ll have to log in and go to the event page. Select desired interlocutor from the list of participants (you can use smart search, allowing to search by first name, surname and company name simultaneously in Russian and Latin transliterations). Next to the interlocutor’s name, you’ll see “Make an appointment” button. In the window opened, select free time slot and click “Make an appointment.” In order to confirm the meeting, the other participant will be notified by SMS and email. The meeting will have “Request” status, until it is confirmed by the other participant.

When making an appointment, you can add comment, describing approximate range of issues you would like to discuss. This will allow the other participant to be better prepared and to make your negotiations more focused and effective.

You can also make new appointments and manage your meeting schedule during the event. That’s why we recommend you to indicate cell-phone and e-mail, which can be used at the event.

12. How do I manage my meeting schedule and other participant requests?

You can any time access your current meeting schedule in your profile. If you are registered for several events, you’ll have individual schedule for each of them. You may find in the meeting schedule all confirmed meetings, new meeting requests from other participants waiting for your decision, as well as your free time slots.

Besides, the following options are available to control certain meetings:

  • Confirm received request for a meeting;

  • Reject request for a meeting;

  • Cancel previously appointed and confirmed meeting.

13. How do I use the site during the event?

Once you’ve come to the event and checked in at the registration desk, you’ll receive SMS with a link to a mobile interface, giving you quick and easy access to the main system functions. In the mobile interface we have gathered basic functions that may be usefulduring the event. You can:

  • View the list of arrived participants;

  • Manage your meeting schedule, make and accept new appointments;

  • Communicate with other participants;

  • Learn who is your event manager, see his photo and send him online messages;

  • Send messages to organizers (e.g., to report any problem you noticed or ask for help in any matter).

14. How else do I communicate with other participants on the event?

You may select desired participant from the list of participants (menu item “Who is at the meeting”) (you can use smart search, allowing to search by first name, surname and company name simultaneously in Russian and Latin transliterations) and open itsprofile. In the selected participant profile you will see possible options of communication:

Private conversation: start chatting online. To view your chats and new messages, select “Conversations” in the main menu. All messages are stored and you may read them later on.

Make acquaintance: send your contact information. Selected participant will receive SMS with your business card, containing contacts provided by you during registration.

Make an appointment: send request for a meeting. New meeting will be added to your schedule.